Have you been roaming the corridors of a dungeon in the Diablo 4 beta and suddenly been attacked by a giant, hulking enemy that smashed you to pieces within a few seconds? If so, then you were likely just graced by the presence of The Butcher, an infamous enemy in the Diablo universe. The Butcher first made an appearance in the original Diablo game as the main boss in a quest simply titled “The Butcher.” Fans instantly loved to hate The Butcher due to its giant cleaver that could instantly deplete anyone’s health bar and its enormous amount of HP. Come from Sports betting site VPbet
Since the first Diablo, The Butcher has appeared in Diablo 3 as a part of an Anniversary Dungeon and now in Diablo 4 as a deadly encounter. If you want to learn how to find and beat The Butcher in Diablo 4, check out the guide below.